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We could not have asked for a more perfect recital! With over 80 kids and over 250 guests in the audience, we were set for a spectacular dance show by our youngest students. Special thanks to our amazing staff and teachers as well as our superhero volunteer moms who kept this event perfectly organized and smooth.

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Dance recitals at the Salsa With Silvia dance studio

What an amazing show we had…with over 300 people in the audience and 98 performing children, the auditorium was full of life and beauty!

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The final recital was a huge success! Our little dancers got to perform on the stage that you all donated towards! Mario, our Artistic Director, did a phenomenal job with creating the stage props and his own costume (Rafiki). Also, huge shout out to our amazing teachers and staff who helped make this day a successful one.

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Ballet, modern, tap, jazz recitals at the Salsa With Silvia dance studio in Washington DC and Bethesda, MD

It was a packed house, but we made it work. All of our students had an excellent execution of their recital routines! Special shoutout to AMIKA Dance Company for their lovely performance and to Ms. Quantina & Ms. Camille for their awesome hip-hop performance.

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Kids recitals and showcases at the Salsa With Silvia dance studio in Washington DC and Bethesda

What an amazing time we had during our final Spring 2017 recital. Our little dancers did an amazing job and we are so proud of them. The kids dedicated their performances to all fathers in light of Father’s day!

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Kids recitals and showcases at the Salsa With Silvia dance studio in Washington DC and Bethesda

We had a great turn out 2017 Mid Spring Semester Recital! More than 35 families attended and the performers could not have done any better. We also had a wonderful dance lesson by the fabulous Ms. Natasha.

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Kids recitals and showcases at the Salsa With Silvia dance studio in Washington DC and Bethesda

What an amazing event we had. Not only our little dancers did a fantastic job performing their recital routines, but we also had a surprise visit by Santa and Queen Elsa. The kids enjoyed dancing, face painting, yummy treats and fun gifts and of course hanging out with Santa and Elsa.

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Kids recitals and showcases at the Salsa With Silvia dance studio in Washington DC and Bethesda

Six kids classes graduated from Salsa With Silvia’s Spring/Summer 2nd quarter 2016. Each class demonstrated a short song to show their family and friends what they have learned in class. Special thanks to our wonderful instructors who worked with all the kids this semester.

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