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what parents say:

At the Salsa With Silvia dance studio, we believe that dance builds confidence, strength, focus, discipline, focus, team work skills, balance, elegance, rhythm and a life long love for music. We welcome and encourage boys to dance as much as girls because dancing is a skill that applies to any sports that they take on later. Dance allows kids to focus on something very positive that has life long benefits.

We had an incredible CANDYLAND Spring Recital in Bethesda!

Thank you, dear parents and dancers, for joining us for our Candyland Recital in Bethesda!

Our dance instructors could not have been prouder. We want to thank the amazing families, staff, and instructors for such dedication to our young stars.

We invite you to join us again for the next dance semester, where we look forward to creating more wonderful memories together on the dance floor! 

The Salsa with Silvia 4Kids team

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