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Summer dance & learning bilingual camps at the Salsa With Silvia Dance Studio

We had a total blast during summer of 2018. We learned Spanish, we did arts & crafts, we put together fabulous recital productions, we went on tons of field trips, we shot movies, we splashed at the spray park, we went to the Library, we watched performances, we had special guests and so much more!!!

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Spring dance and learning bilingual camp at the Salsa With Silvia dance studio

We did so much in one week. Despite the chilly weather, we played outside every day, we even had a picnic outside. We went to Story Time at Walls Of Books, we had theater workshop every day, we learned ballet, jazz and Latin dance, we learned songs in Spanish, we created Easter art and props for our fabulous Easter Recital. We played lots of games and did super fun obstacle courses. The last day of camp we visited and played at the National Museum Of American History.

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Another fantastic summer camp with our wonderful students. We did so much this summer: dance lessons, showcases, field trips, arts & crafts, video shoots, photography, science, Spanish lessons, music lessons and more. We absolutely love our campers and we thank all families for trusting them with us!

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Summer bilingual dance and learning camps at the Salsa With Silvia dance studio in Washington, DC and Bethesda

See how much fun we had during Spring Dance & Learning camp 2017. We did a ton of activities with our happy little campers: dancing, games, Spanish lessons and singing, arts & crafts, story time, Magic Ground, science workshop and a recital in the end. It was a week full of laughter and joy.

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Summer 2016 was our very first Summer camp and we had an absolute blast with our little campers. We danced, we played, we did obstacle courses, we did arts and crafts, we performed, we went to theaters, museums, spray parks, the Zoo, Magic Ground, Circus and of course we played outside every day.

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